home of riverside


15 october 2019

i was in some sort of school cafeteria and they had GIANT plates of spaghetti that you had to share between, like, 5 people. i was about to eat but the other people ate it so fast there wasn't any left. i asked why they didn't leave me some and the guy next to me said it's cause i'm transphobic so i was like "wrong but ok". undyne walked into the cafeteria and said there's a tiny bit of spaghetti left and dumped it onto the plate on my table. i wanted to eat so bad i just. stuffed all of it into my mouth. then i started laughing and i laughed so hard i woke up

27 december 2019

i commited a crime. i mean it wasnt a crime crime but in dream land it was a crime. i think it's because i had a colourful sock on me or something and i was in a school trying to hide from the teachers. the school had secret classrooms and everything. when i thought i had escaped the place the principal caught me and i was being lectured about how stealing is wrong even though i owned the sock

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